Wednesday, September 3, 2014


First let me give my condolences to the families of Steven Sotloff and James Foley.  I am angry and outraged by their murders. ISIS must be destroyed.

I am a baby boomer. I have seen my share of conspiracy theories. There are some I believe. John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King conspiracies . I abstain on 911.  I do not believe the government is seeding the clouds with mind controlling agents.
There are some Conspiracy theories  that have proven to be true. Underground Railroad, Infected blankets to native Americans, STD test on Blacks, and of course Watergate and Iran Contra.

A more complete list can be found on this blog:

Well I have one. It pertains to ISIS. Where in the hell did they come from? I watch cable news at least 8 hours a day. I read the internet at least 2 hours a day.
The first time I heard of ISIS (  Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) which is derived from ISIL ( Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant )
was around January or February of 2014.
That is when they broke off from Al-Qaeda while fighting Syrian forces.

So how did they get so big so fast?

(google image)
What really makes me even more suspicious is what happened just before they came to public attention.

The #Warfarequeens, a phrase coined by Jon Stewart of the Daily Show, were all over the air waves, on every TV show that would give them coverage, (I wonder if they tried to get on Sesame Street?)
It was the same old warmongers old and  new, begging on bending knees, pushing for the United States get involved with another war in Iraq and start one with Syria. Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham. When that didn't work they called out the chief warmonger of them all, Dick Cheney. NEOCONS!!!!

John McCain can be seen with Syrian Rebel forces,
(Google Image)
The problem for these War Addicts, is President Obama and the American people were not buying it. Because of the fiasco of the last time we rushed into war in that area, Americans are war weary. 

They seemingly came  out of nowhere, suddenly ISIL came to public attention. They began to carve a bloody trail of murder of mayhem in Syria and eventually crossed into Iraq. Then they conveniently changed their name to ISIS to include they Country of Iraq in their title. Hmmmm!!!!

What is causing me so much alarm, is the speed in which a off branch of Syrian Rebels and Al-Qaeda, could amass so much power so fast. In comparison, Al-Qaeda began in 1989 and did not get organized in the same fashion until 10 years later.

But ISIS? They have more money and arms then most countries in the world and they seemed to have gotten it in a manner of MONTHS!!!!  They are sophisticated organization. They control oil production and are selling it on the market. And yes, their leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, uses the title CEO of ISIL and owns a Rolex watch. 
(google image)
Now they are taunting the United States to fight them in Iraq, by beheading Americans and broadcasting it on a propaganda network that would put Fox News to shame.

All the #warfarequeens on all the networks are having multiple orgasms on Sunday news programs saying, Now is the time to get back into Iraq.
Claiming Obama is the reason ISIS exist. Even though Obama never stated anywhere at anytime, that he wanted to bomb Syria, to remove Assad or aid the rebels. He said he wanted to bomb Syria to prevent the use of chemical weapons.

ISIS is just too much of a damn coincidence to be ignored. 
There are many people right here in this country, that could fund and organize the beginning of a group like ISIS. Like rolling a snow ball down hill. If this is a fact and I am not saying it is, it is working.
Polls have shifted since the murders of James Foley and Steven Sotloff in favor of going back to war in the middle east. Hell at 61 I want to put on my uniform and go fight ISIS. It's working on me.
It doesn't take a genius or a conspiracy theory  nut to know who would benefit. 
I mean dang people there is video tape. You don't have to be a Pulitzer prize  journalist to see the dots if not connect them.
In a area where chaos is everywhere ISIS is the most stable and organized group and it only took them 7 months to do it.
The only other place I can see this happening so fast is in a Michael Bay movie.

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