Monday, August 25, 2014

Where the Hell is Hillary on Ferguson?

I have often heard that a person's silence speaks volumes. Hillary Clinton's silence on the situation in Ferguson is deafening.
(Google image)
Let's cut with the political nonsense. She is apparently going to make a bid for the White House in 2016.
I for one, was going to support her hands down. I have to admit that one of the most difficult political decisions in my life was the decision to pick Obama over her in 2008.  The other was Nixon vs McGovern 1972. So she would get my support without question in 2015-16.
(cue the sound of a screeching car tire) Not so fast.

I became alarmed when she, publicly questioned the leadership of Obama on his decision not to bomb Syria.
Now I am not only alarmed, but pissed off on her silence regarding the shooting of Michael Brown and the police tactics in Ferguson. Especially in light of the the fact, that the only potential Presidential candidate that has made a statement is, Rand Paul.
(Google image)

Too make things worst even Sen. Ted Cruz has made a statement regarding police militarization.

But nothing, not a peep out of Hillary, and too be honest for her to make a statement now, would be useless and  not genuine. Timing is everything. YOU THINK?

It also gives fodder to those who say Democrats take the African American voter for granted. Even though it might be true, the danger for Democrat candidates is,  if they want black voters to come out and vote in relevant numbers, they better show they have interest in our issues. So far I have heard nothing from Hillary Clinton's camp.
If she is afraid of making nonwhite blue collar voters angry or uncomfortable, she is best to consider who will come out and vote for her in mass and not just a small percentage.
In fact to be honest Rand Paul has changed my mind considerably since his "Civil Rights comment on The Rachel Maddow Show.
I'm starting to build a mistrust of Hillary Clinton. That is bad, because I vote.
I did vote Republican once before, there is nothing to say that people who think like me won't do it again.
I'm starting to think like Krystal Ball on MSNBC's, The Cycle. Maybe Hillary is not the best candidate for Democrats after all. 
Hillary I'm listening.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Is Michael E. Dyson Race Shaming Obama?

On recent appearances on MSNBC, Dyson refered to his detractors as "Obamabots" , ( a Right Wing slur for liberals) and "Twitwits", as oppose to nitwits. 
(Google image)

I am proud to be both.

Michael E. Dyson has his opinion on Obama's, comments regarding Micheal Brown and Ferguson, Mo. 
Well I have my opinion on Michael Dyson's disgraceful and unrealistic opinion of our nations first African American president.
Now I am not as educated as Professor Dyson and of course I am not a celebrity.
What I am is a 61 year African American who had his first political debate, in 1960. It was with my grandfather. He was going to vote for Nixon over JFK.

Dyson claims in his Op-ed in the Washington Post that,
"Obama’s remarks on Ferguson are tone deaf and disappointing"

He states in his Op-ed the following, Regarding the arrest of Henry Louis Gates and Obama's comments of his arrest "The blowback from that intervention pushed an already reticent Obama into a monkish silence on race." To be fair Dyson never did say that Obama's language on Mike Brown's killing should be more aggressive, because he is the first African American president.  But, just like other races blacks have "Dog Whistles" too.
I recall coming up in the 60's when finally I could be proud to be black. Soon, Blacks began to use our new proud label, to manipulate cooperation from other blacks. That is the first time I heard the phrase, "Is it Black enough for you?" When blacks, from politicians and athletes and common folk too, were judged on how much "Blackness" they expressed in comments regarding racial manners in America. If you weren't angry, with your fist balled in the air, you were not "Black enough". 

It is obvious, that Obama faces challenges, that no other POTUS as ever faced in the past. He exemplifies the phrase "Damned if he does, Damned if he doesn't". But for so-called Black activist to attack him on his style is the quintessence of irony. It's another case of a black person having to do 110% to be satisfactory, in reverse. 
The other irony is that the only people who seemed to be support Dyson's POV hold- heartily are Right Wing Trolls. People who do not care about the context of Dyson's opinion, it's the fact that he is attacking Obama and they LOVE IT!!!


Every thing does not have to be said and expressed with emotion to understand what lies underneath.
Only an egotistical self promoting individual would believe, everything has to be expressed like Don King would, promoting a prize fight.
Obama said many times he is the President of all Americans. So therefore he must be cautious that there are those who fear he will lead in a unfair and prejudicial manner in favor of Blacks. As unrealistic as their fears are, they are still valid and MUST be considered.

If there is one thing I have learned in following Presidential politics for more than 50 years, is presidents get political points to spend the moment they are walk into the Oval Office.
It would be a foolish and stupid President to spend all of his political points at one time on one issues, i.e Invasion of Iraq.
Obama is not only the Democratic President he is also the ipso facto leader of the Democrat Party.
He has to think about others of our party who are running for office this November. What would happen if the GOP take over leadership in the Senate.
There is also Dyson's comparison of Obama's response to James Foley vs Mike Brown. Mike Brown was not beheaded on YouTube. I also was physically more angry at what happened to Foley but not less angry inside.
One last thing I think Dyson was attacking the wrong black person. He should have been attacking black celebrities  who showed more interest in dumping ice water on their heads than showing support for Mike Brown's family and the citizens of Ferguson, Mo, who were under military style attacks from their police department.

Finally, I too am uncomfortable with what seems to be the lack of attention paid to the problems of African Americans.  But I have faith that in 2016, there will be a change. The final year in office is when most POTUS are more likely to make controversial decisions. Until then I will support Obama unconditionally. If he leaves office and African Americans are still in the same place, then I will gripe unconditionally regarding his legacy.
Michael Dyson take a chill pill Brother.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

African Americans: An Unwanted People in America.

Africans were brought to America for one purpose. Slave labor. The moment Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, we became an unwanted people in America. In fact Abraham Lincoln himself, wanted to send freed slaves back to Africa.
 (Google Image)
Except for a few years, immediately after the Civil War ended, African Americans have been treated like second class citizens. 

Andrew Johnson became President after Lincoln was assassinated. He in fact was a Southerner born in North Carolina. It should not be a surprise that he capitulated  to the Southern demands and allowed for "Jim Crow", to be part Reconstruction of the South. From that time on, racist Whites made it very clear African Americans were going to have a hard time.
What followed was prison system where Blacks were sent to prison for many years for infractions of the law. In fact I heard my great grand parents, who were raised in the South, refer to the laws as "Nigger Laws".
Google Image

It was a legal way to put African Americans back into slave labor. Right now in 2014 there are more Black people in prison than were slaves in 1850.
Then came the 100 years of lynching, chronicled in the same name book by Ralph Ginzburg.

Followed by a 100 years of segregation laws, and threats to African Americans in 
White communities to leave before sun down.
In the late 19th Century the Back to Africa movement began, pushed by leaders like Marcus Garvey.
 Who in their right mind, would want to go to Africa, where colonization had left it one of the worse continents  in the world to this day. Riddled with disease and poverty. As bad as America is to Blacks it is better than many places in Africa. Be sure we are reminded of this fact in many ways.

Many will say all this happened in the past what has it got to do with today?
You'd have to be Black to understand that just because the optics have changed, the spirit behind unwarranted hate of Blacks never died.
It lives today in Ferguson, Mo, In New York City, Los Angels, Sanford, Florida, Detroit, were unarmed Black men and women are killed for minor infractions of the law or none at all. A man goes free for killing a unarmed teenager and a Black woman is sent to jail for firing a warning shot at her partner to avoid being assaulted.
A Black woman lies on a school application and given 5 years in prison. 
African Americans are dehumanized they same way, Japanese and Vietnamese were in the corresponding wars. Monkeys, Gooks, Niggers, "F**king Animals", as was over heard by a Ferguson police officer referring to Blacks protesting.

We are  sentenced to prison by the color of our skin not on the crime committed. Even worse cops act as Judge Dredd, Police, Judge, and Executioner.
(Google image)

The most egregious demonstration of how unwanted African Americans are in America is the treatment of the First African American President. 

I have witnessed some horrible treatment of African Americans over the past 50 years. Just like alcoholism it gets worse, never better.
I have to admit I do not know what the solutions are. Back to Africa? Finding a uninhabited Island or piece of land?
You might say, "That is ridiculous and far fetched." My response is simple,
So is expecting fair treatment under the law?
For many it is a fatal fantasy.