Thursday, April 24, 2014


   In 1831 an American Slave by the name of Nat Turner started a slave rebellion. It ended with the death of 50 Whites. The Whites in turn retaliated by killing an estimated 300 slaves, many were not even involved with the rebellion.
     Nine years earlier in 1822 another freed slave by the name of Denmark Vesey plotted a slave rebellion, but was snitched on by another slave.

There was also Gabriel Prosser, The Jamaican rebellion, and of the most successful rebellion of all, the Haitian rebellion against France.

     The reason I am writing this blog is in  part due to the racist comments made by Clive Bundy, the new hero of the fringe Right. He believes African Americans would be better off as slaves.
    In fact I tweeted my disdain of the gun toting idiots defending the freeloading welfare cowboy, and I was refereed to as a slave many times under the hashtag #BundyRanch. I replied to them all, yeah "Nat Turner". But I began to realized those toothless gun toting idiot trolls probably thought I was talking about a NBA player.

     Let me get to the point. Bundy is not the only racist who is spinning this nonsense that slavery would be preferable to the way they believe blacks are living today. In their small walnut size brain,s all African Americans are on welfare and live in housing projects. They never realize that most of the people who are on welfare are white and in red states. What should happen to all of them? Should they be sent back to Europe?
      American Slavery was the worst system of slavery in history. Closet racist always want to point out that Africans sold slaves to slavers. But when the Africans got word on how the system was in America they stopped selling slaves and in fact turned on white slavers and where in turn, sold into slavery themselves.


 American slavery was horrible. It was the first time slavery was determined solely on the race of a people. It is estimated that 50 million African slaves lost their lives in one way or another from 1620 to 1865. Families torn apart, white men having children with slave women and selling their own children into slavery.
I recall as a child older relatives telling stories of children who would be considered autistic today were put down like dogs.
     Yet there are people like Bundy who think blacks would be better off "owned" by white men.

     What's truly alarming is to witness the many main stream Republicans, who also embrace this notion that slavery is better than welfare. For blacks only that is.

     Republican recently  had  to clarify their support of a pledge that contained a controversial preamble suggesting black children born into slavery had better family structures than black children now.
Along with the erosion of civil rights and affirmative action by the U.S. Supreme court and all this talk of "States Rights", I actually wonder how many are thinking about reinstating slavery as a states right option?

     Of course this is absurd, and Federal Laws prohibit such actions. But the mere thought that in 2014 people are still bringing slavery up as a positive alternative to social welfare is outrageous. And it is dangerous too.

     Bottom line, the need for African Americans and other reasonable Americans to get out and vote is more important than ever.  I don't vote just to put the right people in office, I also vote to keep the wrong people out. Anyone who embraces people like Clive Bundy and Ted Nuggent are definitely the wrong people. Right now all of them are on the Right.

     Come November I will vote. I will vote on more issues than idiots who think blacks would be better off as slaves, but you can be damned sure of this, it will be on the top of my issues. Because with racist creeps like Bundy being embraced by many on the Right as a hero, it's a good thing I have the ballot to choose rather than a bullet. Any notion being entertained to bring back slavery is an issue I would surely fight to the death to prevent.
Please, Please VOTE!