Wednesday, November 7, 2012


"WE THE PEOPLE" Those are some powerful words. No matter what the makeup is in this country, WE THE PEOPLE have the final say who leads. We are a diverse people. For the first time in my life I see the beginning of the end of RACISM, SEXISM, and INEQUALITY. WE THE PEOPLE no longer represents White males who own property. We the people are anyone who cast a ballot.

When Sen. Mitch McConnell stated what the priority of the Republican party was, I heard the dog whistle loud and clear. He represented  White people who are afraid of diversity in this country. The fear that one day, the White race would no longer be the majority voting race. They would no longer be the shot callers.

How did they not see this coming? You take over a country full of Brown & Red people, you import Black and Yellow people as slaves, (that's right, California has always been different, when everybody else had African Slaves, California got theirs from China), and treat them like shit as well. Oh yeah your women were second class citizens also.

This is not a indictment of the past. It was what it was. But since 1865 a change began with the Emancipation Proclamation.  People other than White male property owners were eventually given the right to vote. In 1964 with the passing of the  Equal Rights laws, they insured this day would come.

I have heard scuttle butt about a race war, even Donald Dumb Ass Trump seemed to call for a revolution. You see, idiots like him don't see the beauty and the blessing we have with the power of the vote.

We have the ballot so we don't need bullets.

 I give credit where credit is due. If it weren't for many of those White Male property owners, I and other non-white citizens and women would not be enjoying the freedoms we share today. They forged this change with the American Civil War.

Yes WE THE PEOPLE are changing, but that doesn't mean for the worst. I am an American of African decent. But an American none the less. I want this nation to remain the greatest nation on this planet for centuries to come. Just because non white numbers, and the changed identity of women have made it possible, that White males may never dominate again. It doesn't mean the destruction of America, it means America is evolving into a greater nation ,that will inspire the world to do the same.

There is no greater word in civilization than "COOPERATION!!!!"
How else do you think mankind made it to the 21 Century?